Lasson - Little

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NB Dawn at the top of the Bank Newton Flight, moored up for the night.

January is quite for us, with not much happening.

February has us mooving NB Dawn, as they are draining the pond where we keep her. When we arrive, we meet another couple who own NB InnisFree, who are having problems as they can not put there boat into forward, so we brace the two boats together, and take them the three locks down into Gargrave. Later in the month I come again to give NB Dawn a spring clean and then take her back to her moorings at the bottom of Bank Newton.

April finds us with a phone call from British Waterways, to say that NB Dawn had been broken into, and could we come and take a look, and make a report to the police. The worst part was getting all the damage repaired, as she is not very standard.

May finds us down in Beeston with Henry and Ivis, on one of the days we go out to Langley Mill, to a canal festival on the Earwash Canal. Later on, we go to a lovely little village for a late lunch etc.

July, decied to take NB Dawn on holiday with friends Mike and Denney, See 'To Blackburn and beyond' for details of the trip. Dawn was in for repairs, and late coming out, so we went to RHS Gardens for a day trip while we were waiting.
We some times use NB Dawn as a weekend cottage, these are some of the shots we took from the kitchen sink.

August, a friend of ours from Birmingham comes up for a few days, and we spend some time being tourist, we spend some time at Rodley Nature reserve. We also visited our local Country Park, St Ives.

September, quite often spend time on NB Dawn, even if we are not moving her anywhere, being used seems to keep her nice and aired. We run her engine, charge batteries etc. and spend time walking around the area, see pictures from this September here . . .

October see's us take NB Dawn out for a very cold weekend, the small fire was kept going most of the time. The reason for the trip was to fill NB Dawn up with fuel before the fual duty came in. See the pictures here . .


December did not do alot in December, something to do with this thing called snow, which we seem to get more than some other folk. Got a little collection of photos here. In the new year Richard was with us, and we went up to Grassington , nice coffee there.

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the continuing story.