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Entrance to Colthouse Burial Ground.

The actualy burial site is kept as naturaly as possible, at this exact moment the daffidles are out and looking very good. (they may hopefully stay like that till next week.) If you would like to give something still, have a chat with me afterwards.

Some suggestions for the day, and some ideas about timing.
What to wear, good outdoor clothes, good shoes or boots, the Lake District is known for being wet, so be prepared.
As there is not much room near the burial ground for parking, like none! So if we could meet at the main car park at Hawkshead for about 11:30.(make sure you have my phone number so we can find you!) We can than provide a taxi service for those that needed it, to the burial ground, while the rest can walk, it is about 3/4 mile.

What will happen?
Children (and others) are welcome to run and play around the burial ground or take a seat and rest on one of the many benches provided. If you feel able and OK about taking pictures please do, I know some people who would have liked to have come but will not be able to attend, so it would be nice to be able to share the occasion with them.

Hopefully we can all meet up for tea or coffee, more on that later.

Contact details:
Mobile: 07758-632893

the continuing story.

Colthouse foto's

to Colthouse